The Casey Basketball Association Junior Casey Cavaliers Induction Day for the upcoming #VJBL24 season was held last weekend at Casey Stadium.
The team at Physioworks Health Group assisted the CBA athletes with vital information on a range of key health considerations to help them to be the very best athlete they can be this season.
The Physioworks team spoke directly to 50 junior basketball teams (over 500 junior athletes), their respective head coach, assistant coach & parents/guardians about preparation & recovery before & after training/matches, injury care & treatment of young, growing bodies and general health & well-being such as nutrition, hydration & sleep.
Co-ordinated by Massage Therapist Karyn Wheeler, the Physioworks Health Group team included Physiotherapists Nathan Monaco, Brad Hill, Zac Buchanan, Will Treuer & Aggy Tiwary.
“Speaking directly to, and providing take home information for the parent group was definitely time well spent as it ensured effective communication about why, how & what the Physioworks team do & how this can help both the athlete & the parent” said Karyn.
“Direct communication with the coaches, combined with the hints & tips referral sheets provided; helped the coaches to better understand Physioworks long term involvement & committed support of Casey Basketball, and how we can help to assist their team to achieve their season goals” added Karyn.