Physioworks 30 years
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Australian Physiotherapy Association
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Physioworks 30 years

melbournemedibankmarathonThe multiple events at the Melbourne Marathon Festival present challenges at different levels for all, from experienced athletes to first time runners.

Some of our health care and management team at Physioworks are using the challenge of the Melbourne Marathon to get fit for summer. And many of our clients are preparing for one of the events at the Melbourne Marathon.

Here a couple more Pre-Event Tips from our Exercise Physiologists Brooke DeHey and Jude Hewavasam to help you to reach your event goal.

  • ‘Quality not always Quantity’: A fast harder run for 90 minutes can provide similar fuel efficiency benefits (the ability to store & use fuel) as running a slower longer run for 2+hours. So always think about the quality of what you are doing during a run v’s the time you are running
  • Gels/Drinking on the run: During your marathon training practice drinking on the run & using the carbohydrate gels that you will use on race day if you will use these. (Don’t use these on race day without using them in training)
  • Tapering: These last few weeks prior to race day are important. Don’t think you need to run hard right up until race day.

Research has revealed tapering enables glycogen, enzymes & hormones (all depleted by high mileage) return to optimal ranges during a taper. Muscle damage that occurs during sustained marathon training is also repaired. Immune function & muscle strength also improve, reducing risk of catching a cold or an injury pre race. Tapering doesn’t mean doing nothing but simply reducing your mileage by approx. 20%. Avoid running hills or doing speed training as this will increase muscle tissue damage.

Studies reveal that athletes that tapered prior to a marathon race had a performance improvement of 3%. This equates to 5-10 minutes of your race time

Pulling up sore from running? Are you running correctly or as efficiently as you could? Head into our clinics and see our Exercise Physiology team today for a running assessment & running strengthening program.

Our ‘Melbourne Marathon Squad Rate’ applies to all treatments across all our clinics and is applicable to every event at the festival to be held on Sunday October13. Just provide your entry registration number to reception to be eligible for your 10% discount on treatments pre and post event.

Keep on eye on our website and Facebook page for more tips in the lead up to the event.